Tag: newbie

  • Internet Marketing for Newbies – Part 2

    Internet Marketing for Newbies – Part 2

    Following on from Part 1 of our guide to Internet Marketing for Newbies, here is the eagerly awaited Part 2! Read on for (almost) everything wanted to know but were afraid to ask about making money online with internet marketing.. Content Generation Producing content for your blog or website is another fundamental task for all…

  • Internet Marketing Case Study: The Lazy Plan

    Internet Marketing Case Study: The Lazy Plan

    Welcome to the start of the first internet marketing and SEO case study here on BankofHome. I will start with a very simple plan which will cost a very small amount, perhaps just $50 although I may go up to $100.. still thinking about that one but the idea is to keep it as cheap…

  • Internet Marketing for Newbies: an in-depth guide for the bewildered and technically challenged

    Internet Marketing for Newbies: an in-depth guide for the bewildered and technically challenged

    The purpose of this article is not to teach you specifically how to make money online, it is to present the fundamental knowledge required before you can even start building an internet based business with which you could then hopefully make money. It will explain the terminology in simple, clear language. It will tell you…

  • WordPress for Dummies

    WordPress for Dummies

    Probably the most popular blog software (sometimes also referred to as a CMS) in use today is Wordpress which is offered both as free software you can install on your own server or site hosting, and also as a web based service (again free) which requires no installation – you just fill in a form and click a…

  • Welcome


    Bank of Home aims to show you how you can make money online by working from home. It is actually easier than you may think (but not quite as easy as some would have you believe!) so follow along as we post tips & tricks and product reviews and advice. We also have an exclusive FREE…