The Lazy Plan Case Study

Internet Marketing Case Study: The Lazy Plan

The Lazy Plan Case StudyWelcome to the start of the first internet marketing and SEO case study here on BankofHome. I will start with a very simple plan which will cost a very small amount, perhaps just $50 although I may go up to $100.. still thinking about that one but the idea is to keep it as cheap as possible while still outsourcing as much as possible because this is after all ‘the lazy plan’!

The money invested will include everything such as domain registration, research, content, marketing etc. Obviously for such a small amount I wont be building a massive ‘authority site’ with hundreds of articles and high quality custom videos or something like that – this will be a small site to start with and will be expanded gradually over time as the need arises. Small but perfectly formed.

This is a case study which will test some theories, there is no guarantee it will succeed – the resulting site may bomb or it may make bank but that is ok as either way is a learning experience. I will be testing some outsourcing services and tools that I haven’t used before so anything could happen – you have been warned!

If you’re a complete newbie this should be easy for you to follow along with as there will be nothing super complicated and all will be explained along the way. All the steps I take will be documented but I wont reveal the site itself so the study wont be ruined by people with certain blackhat tools and too much time on their hands.

This study will run for 3 months, starting from today. Don’t worry though it wont be the only study running during those 3 months so if the lazy plan doesn’t suit you, stay tuned for the next plan to be announced fairly soon!

So on with the plan – first of all I will choose a niche. I will not outsource this part, all I need for this is a little imagination and some time to mull it over and then a little bit of research on my own – it wont take long so still more than doable by the terminally lazy! In the next post for this study, which will be out in a few days, I will cover what I did to decide on a niche and the steps taken once that decision had been made.

Feel free to post any questions or suggestions in the comments below.





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